Finally the connected generation is given a voice!
Finally the connected generation is given a voice!
This App is too old! Need support right now! Please, take Sam Seders Majority Report App as a model!!!
Always up-to-date with the TYT Guys+Lady! Gotta love the classic-sound-buzzers! (Micheles "Schousssba" is missing though)
A refreshing view when you are from outside the USA. I thought different (single minded) of you US-citizens before i saw this. Thanks a lot.
Running water, modern medicine, and now TYT on the go. Ability to go to Tim Geithner and play sound clips of Phil Davidson, worth getting an iPhone alone. The only downfall is having too much fun you ignore you personal life. TYT army. Too strong.
Loving the app, finally its here. Just wish the soundboard wasnt only on random, i wuld prefer it to be a static list of buttons with all the sound effects instead of having to press the shuffle button and hope to get the others
Awesome but I dont like the randomized sound board. Make them scrolling screens
If you love TYT ... This is a must have app. The best thing (besides the awesome soundboard) would be the price. If you are a TYT army member... You have no reason not to jump een eet. - Jim Y.
It has the soundboard, enough said.
Best new show ever and now the best new app ever. Thanks TYT for giving me al the news.
Unrandomize the soundboard ! Other than that, its pretty perfect. Love TYT & love the app
Awesome app, but i previously downloaded an unofficial tyt app called "tytmobile" which i find had a better layout. Keep the good work up guys!
Never mind my previous review. I havent noticed the refresh button on the soundboard (FAIL on my end). Yeah I would use scrolling panes or even vertical scrolling instead uf shuffle.
I love listening to the podcasts in the car, soundboard is a nice little add-on. My only issue is the buttons on the bottom not being 100% responsive, sometimes I need to click them a few times but otherwise its fantastic!
- lose the background music & sound FX. makes you smile the first time but not on the 10th time you open the app or are showing to friends. Think about how you feel when you open a website that starts blaring music/sfx. - get rid of the tap to start business (keep it as a splash screen though) - maybe have it just land on the latest news - i was really excited that there was gonna be a soundboard, but i was disappointed with the implementation. I want to be able to (in 2-3 taps) load up a specific sound - but it seems you have to refresh the page randomly and hope it shows up eventually. I would blow out that soundboard feature, store the sound files on your webserver and when users open the iphone app it checks for new sounds, and you could highlight the new ones)...Quick access to *ALL* soundfiles is really important i think. - redo the small icons so they support retina display (2x pixel density)
Anne is hot and attractive but jenkss or what ever that fat Turks name is had a big nose and that 4 eyes needs to shave. Jr whats up bro! Other wise tyt is awesome love you Anne btw Im 12
I have been a republican in times good and i have been a republican in times bad!
Great app just un-randomize the soundboard
I absolutely love the sound board. I hooked my iPod to my Bose sound system. Then when I saw the this is sparta sound... I was sold, I love this app :)